One of my mom’s friends visits us quite often. She doesn’t live in Lahore but has family here, so whenever she comes to see them, she visits us too. She’s one of those wonderful ladies who knows a lot of great recipes (like the ones old-granny’s-recipes), tips and home remedies and loves to share with us a couple or a few of them during casual chit chat over tea. I do try some of her recipes and they always turn out to be awesome, and so they definitely become a part of my recipes collection.
My last meeting with her was a real summer treat, because she shared an easy no-cook lemon squash recipe with me. So, I tried it and it was so refreshing and yummy. Since the temperature is still high here in Lahore, so it was the perfect time to try it.
I am sharing two versions of the same lemon squash recipe; the one that my aunt made it and the other one that I tried with a little changes.
My Aunt’s version:
Lemons: 2-2 1/2 kgs
Sugar: 750 gms
Squeeze out the lemon juice into an air tight glass bottle or a jar. Make sure there are no seeds in it because they will turn the taste bitter. Add sugar. Cover the bottle and place it somewhere safe at room temperature. If the container is not air tight, then cover the lid with wax or squash tape to make it air tight. Let it rest for about a week. Slightly shake the bottle once everyday. You’ll notice that the sugar that was settled down initially is now mixing with the juice. After a week, open the lid of the bottle very slowly and gradually because it has air in it and might explode like the bottle of coke. Your no-cook lemon squash is ready. Add a couple of table spoons to a chilled glass of water and enjoy.
My Version:
Lemon juice: 1 cup
Sugar: 1 cup
I added lemon juice and sugar in my honey jar which is not air tight and I placed it in the refrigerator for a week. I used to open it once a day and stirred it with a dry spoon. The sugar got dissolved in the lemon juice and it tasted yummy and refreshing.
Here’s how it looked like.

Sorry for the really bad quality of the photo, but I took it from this angle to show the sugar is settled down.